Frit Studies

The primary, enduring theme of this series of work is change. To experience this work is to be constantly shifting in space and to sense a dynamic, de-centered system of flux. The surface of each individual square element of fritted glass is of near infinite complexity. The slight differences in texture from each element to the next, the size of the granules of glass, the color of the glass itself, as well as the color of the substrate, comprise a multi-dimensional matrix of variation. Overlaid onto this system is a wash of colored light that further activates each individual piece and gives the composition a unifying cohesion by foregrounding the negative space between each square and connecting each one to the next.

The light brings this work to life and engages the viewer in an awareness of the totality of the composition of elements, the wall behind, and the surroundings of the environment. No two square elements are alike and no two moments of experience of any individual one is static. The subtle gradation of light color from white to greenish blue creates an ever-shifting series of shadows between each piece, while affecting the viewers perception of the work in non-obvious ways. Spending time on one extreme of the color gradient will affect the appearance of objects on the other side, and vice versa. This process of chromatic adaptation and contrast feeds into the time dependency of the work and the ever-changing nature of the phenomena laid before the spectator.

Crushed glass on painted foam substrate, silicone

4” x 4” each



Constant Change in White and Black


A Study in Erasure